Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Upcoming Surgery/Family News

Prayers Needed
As many of you know I have had colon problems (not cancer-related) on and off for many years.  A recent colonoscopy and recurring symptoms have shown that the inflammation is beyond repair, and my doctor is recommending a colostomy.  Frankly, it is a relief to be able to do something about the symptoms that keep me from being as active as I would like.  The symptoms are beginning to interrupt sleep and to make work and travel difficult.  I am also dealing with constant infections. 
At the beginning of 2017 I will have 5 weeks of sick pay, and I am blessed with a low insurance deductible...so God has that covered!  However, this is a scary surgery, and I am not looking forward to it.  I will need to learn a great deal for self-care afterwards.  I don't want any of my kids to feel burdened.  This is humbling to be sure, but I have to have help...and I am not sure where to turn...I have a few family members who can come for a couple of days...but I need someone for a couple of weeks.  Would you please pray for God's wisdom and provision ?
My greatest, greatest desire is that I would point people to Jesus through this surgery.  My church friends are absolutely freaking out on my behalf.  I am in a new church, and my friends there are just learning about all I have been brought through by God's grace....so they don't know the history of His amazing provision and enabling.  I have a track record with Jesus that can't be denied!  My new friends are in for a treat when they see Him in action in my life!  I can hardly wait to see what He does.  You are not going to believe the amazing ways God is already providing...

  • moral support from the most unexpected people 
  • the ease of getting a referral for a second opinion covered by insurance
  • the ease of getting the second opinion appointment and the day off work to get to the appointment
  • providing people who have had the same surgery who are willing to help me along the way
  • finding online and local support groups that have helped me immensely already

Work and School Update

I have been extremely busy between work and school.  The workload on my desk due to my workplace moving to Mexico and my pending layoff is staggering.  I anticipate having a job until 2018. My greatest desire is that I work with a good attitude and a servant heart.  The atmosphere around me is not very edifying at times, and that is tough.  Please pray that I be prudent and Christ-like in thought, word and action!

I recently had surgery to correct some problems caused by my original cancer surgery almost 20 years ago.  I missed two weeks of work, but I was able to return in good shape.  It was a blessing to be off as I was in the midst of the hardest of my MBA classes yet...statistics!  The amount of homework was daunting, and by sheer determination and tutoring I earned a B+!

I also began physical therapy for the shoulder and back problems that have plagued me for so long.  I am so incredibly grateful to report that I graduated from physical therapy and have had 100% improvement!  I am so grateful for Dr. Adam Cagnet at Mallers & Swoverland Physical Therapy!

Family News

Stephen and his girlfriend Jenna just became engaged, and the wedding is planned for sometime next summer!  He is currently at grad school at the University of Kentucky, and Jenna is a middle school teacher in Indianapolis.

Amy is busy in her junior year at Purdue, and she recently completed a wildlife practicum in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan followed by working on crew at Cedar Campus this past summer.  All three kids were able to vacation with me, which hasn't happened in quite a while. 
Heather decided to take a much-needed break from marching band this year so she could focus on school.  She has a very heavy load and is planning to graduate with both a technical and honors diploma.  She has one more year of high school and is planning on creating her own major for computer science and meteorology at Purdue.  Please pray for her as she has continued fibromyalgia-related sleep issues.  We are having some tests done in January and headed back to Riley Children's Hospital in February.

Thank you all for your continued prayers...I am grateful and humbled!  Be encouraged...God's got this!