Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Blessings Keep Continuing

Thought you would all like to know that I received the results of my genetics test today.

I tested NEGATIVE for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation, which is AWESOME news!

It means my daughters have only 20% chance of developing breast cancer, which is similar to the general public.  Had I tested positive, their risk would have gone up 80%...scary to think about.

Lutheran Hospital has also reviewed my bill from my hospital stay and surgery in September and has reduced my bill by $438....which means I pay Tower Bank $69 a month for 3 years and 3 months vs. 3 years and 10 months...every little bit helps I guess!

Now I have to trust God to provide those funds along with over $2500 in legal fees and a $3700 bill from the hospital from my stay this past spring.  I am applying for patient fee assistance from St. Vincent's Hospital, and I am praying I qualify.  There is no way I can pay that bill too...so I am filling out all the forms, providing info on my prescription costs, my income, etc.  

Pray for patience, trust, wisdom and guidance. I must confess, that even after all the blessings that God has given me the past several months, I still get a bit worried at times about all of the bills.

1 comment:

  1. Tower set up a similar plan for me! I think I told you about it? Praying for you this week! :)
